Do you want to return a product? First check whether your return meets the return conditions and the 14-day term of the right of withdrawal. Then submit your return request here. You will receive a return number from us within 48 hours.
Pack the items to be returned in the original shipping bag, shipping box, or other sturdy packing box. This is to prevent wrinkling or damage to items. Add the return number to the shipment, without a return number we cannot process your return. Returning your order is at your own expense.
Return to:
Lodger concerning Returns
Straat van Gibraltar 1
3446 CM Woerden
The Netherlands
IMPORTANT: keep the shipping receipt that you receive when you return the items, until you have received the total amount of the returned items. Without proof of shipping, items that have not arrived will not be reimbursed.
When we receive your returned product(s), you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. Your return will then be processed, this can be by sending a replacement product or we refund the amount. The amount to be refunded will be executed via the same payment method as chosen when paying. All payments made, including shipping costs, will be refunded or settled on the invoice of the new digital invoice or collection, if you return all items.
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