Przygotuj pokój dziecka na wiosnę, wybierając oddychające produkty Lodger. Zobacz wszystkie akcesoria z wiosennej kolekcji Lodger!
Przygotuj pokój dziecka na wiosnę, wybierając oddychające kocyki, pokrowce na przewijak, prześcieradła z gumką i otulacze w pięknych świeżych kolorach i w radosne wzory. Zobacz też nowe śpiworki niemowlęce, miękkie kapcie dziecięce i body z miękkiej, chłonnej bawełny.
Together, our Topper wrap shirt and Jogger baby pants are perfect for spring and summer. The handy fold-over makes the long-sleeve shirt easy to put on your baby. Together with the matching baby long trousers, it's a lovely spring clothing set.
Lodger pajamas made of 100% cotton are soft and comfortable on every skin, and therefore suitable to wear in spring and summer. Wonderfully comfy for evening, night, and morning. Available in sizes 68 up to 104 in various colors. Which one will you choose for your little one? Is it still a bit chilly outside? Then combine the pajamas with a breathable sleeping bag 0.5 TOG. These sleeping bags have one layer of cotton and this makes them breathable, absorbent, and airy. Check out our baby sleeping bags and children's sleeping bags for spring and summer here.
Our muslin swaddles help you take care of your little one. They have countless uses and are indispensable in every nursery. How about as a burp cloth, protection over the mattress, or shading cloth in the pram? Our Swaddlers are silky soft and even after every wash they remain breathable, absorbent, and super soft. Discover now our muslin swaddles made of 100% cotton in sizes 70x70 (fits easily in your bag) or the large muslin cloth 110x110, to be used as swaddle cloth, wrap, blanket, or towel.
Leather baby booties are perfect to wear during any season. Suitable for indoors and outdoors, the soft leather quality and non-slip soles of the baby booties give baby feet comfort and protection. Also, try our knitted baby booties made of 100% cotton or Merino wool slippers for spring or summer. The cute little bow keeps the baby slippers in place and completes the outfit!
It's always nice to have a wrap blanket on hand. Our Wrapper is Lodger's well-known wrap blanket and it is multifunctional too! Discover our soft and comfortable wrap blanket for use in the car seat or pram. Or use it as a play blanket to let your baby play at home or anywhere else. The Lodger wrap blanket is also ideal for snuggling: great for keeping your newborn warm while feeding, cuddling, or in the playpen.