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Handy and multifunctional Swaddle Clips 2-pack*
*Plush color is 4-pack
You can use Swaddle clips in many different ways, which makes the clips multifunctional. You can attach toys to the playpen, car seat or stroller. Also, you can fasten a grocery shopping bag to your pram or buggy. You can even use the swaddle clips as hair clip or clothespin.
Protect your baby from external influences
Use the Swaddle Clips in combination with a swaddle to protect your baby from weather influences or other external stimuli. This way you can make sure your baby can sleep quitely in the maxi cosi or pram. Pay attention that you do not cover the pram or maxi cosi completely. The Swaddle Clips come in handy 2-packs, except for the Plush coloured ones. They come in a 4-pack.
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